The Sadowski Coalition is a nonpartisan collection of 40 diverse statewide organizations.

We began in 1991 to obtain a dedicated revenue source for Florida’s affordable housing programs. The Sadowski Act passed in 1992, creating a dedicated revenue source to fund Florida’s affordable housing programs and fund the Catalyst Program for Training and Technical Assistance.

What Florida’s Housing Programs Do


SAIL funds can be used to rehabilitate existing apartments in dire need of repair or to build new units where needed; apartments that house Florida’s most vulnerable populations, such as the frail elderly and persons with disabilities.


SAIL and SHIP programs span from homelessness to the moderate income essential workforce. Both programs are flexible and can meet changing needs and priorities within the same program framework.


SHIP funds can be used for renovation of existing housing stock to allow seniors to age in place or to provide retrofitting for persons with special needs.


SHIP funds can be used to move existing housing stock and provide first time homeownership with down payment and closing cost assistance, as well as rehabilitation and retrofit.

How Florida’s Housing

Programs are Funded

Doc stamp tax paid on all real estate transactions was increased in 1992. Those monies were dedicated to the state and local housing trust funds. 70% of monies went to the Local Government Housing Trust Fund for the SHIP program which funds housing programs in all 67 counties and larger cities while 30% of monies to the State Housing Trust Fund for Florida Housing Finance Corporation went to programs such as the State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) program.


70% of monies to the Local Government Housing Trust Fund



Why These Programs Are Needed

  • 2.9 Million Floridians
  • income spent
  • 1 out of 3 Florida households are Alice

Approximately 46% of households in Florida pay more than 50% of their income on housing they are one missed paycheck away from homelessness. Nearly 2.9 million of those households meet the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) criteria — the exact group that the Sadowski Trust Funds assist.

Economic Impact

SHIP and SAIL are highly leveraged, with private sector loans and equity providing $4 to $6 for every one dollar of state funding — thus greatly increasing economic impact. It is estimated that there is $448.1 million* available for appropriation in the Sadowski Housing Trust Funds FY 2024-25. If this money is used for Florida’s affordable housing programs, it will create over 44,000 Florida jobs and $7.2 billion in positive economic impact in Florida and build, rehabilitate or sell over 14,000 housing units.*

*$448.1 million based upon the Governor’s proposed budget.