Sadowski Funds Allow Seniors to Live Independently and With Dignity

Affordable housing for older Floridians has been a mainstay of the Sadowski programs since they were created.  Local SHIP programs have allowed thousands of elderly homeowners to stay in their homes by funding emergency repairs and accessibility retrofits.  Florida Statutes also require 10% of SAIL funds to be set aside for rental developments that serve elderly households.

key facts

In 2024, over 650,000 elderly, low-income households in Florida are living in housing that is unaffordable, substandard, or overcrowded (Florida Housing Coalition Data).

For the first time, over half (53%) of Medicaid LTSS spending for older adults has been allocated to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), rising from 37% in 2009. HCBS encompasses various supports, including home health care aides, respite services, assistive technology, home modifications, and other related services (AARP).

Between the 2019-20 fiscal years, SHIP assisted 60,829 individuals aged 62 or older (Florida Housing Finance Corporation data).

Among rental housing developments with outstanding SAIL loans, over 7,700 apartments—13% of the total—serve elderly households (Florida Housing Finance Corporation annual report).

SHIP and SAIL Funds Help Seniors Stay in Their Homes

Sadowski housing programs will be more important than ever as the “Silver Tsunami” hits Florida.  Many seniors on fixed incomes have seen their retirement savings wiped out in the Great Recession, and they struggle to make repairs necessary for life-safety and accessibility.  Seniors overwhelmingly prefer living in the community to entering nursing homes, and SHIP and SAIL help make this possible while saving the state money.  It’s truly a win-win!

SHIP + Volunteer Labor Helps Elder Stay in Her Home with Dignity

Effie Theus could not afford to bring her home up to code.  The County used SHIP funds, combined with volunteer labor from Habitat for Humanity and YouthBuild, to fix the leaky roof, repair the electrical and septic systems, and install central heating..

SHIP Life-Changing for 80 Year-Old Gadsden Woman Living in Home with No Toilet, Bathtub or Insulation

Mrs. Jessie Hatton’s home in Gadsden County had no toilet, bathtub or insulation.  The day after she moved out, the porch roof collapsed.  SHIP funds helped reconstruct 80-year-old Mrs. Hatton’s house to 21st century standards.

A formatted pdf version of this information is available here.